
The dark season begins: Temperatures drop, trees shed their leaves, supermarkets sell Halloween accessories and b-ware-Ladenkino asks: Why not enjoy some scary long autumn nights? So on Friday 13 September, we launched a 24-hour horror film marathon. The high number of visitors showed that many...

It goes on! Yaaayyyy!!! At least with the Filmkunst, our DVD-shop. Our crowdfunding campagin has already accumulated a quarter of the targeted sum, so we can open the gates of the Filmkunst daily for 3 hours, from 5 to 8pm. It starts from Monday the 20th...

Nice movie. Surely you can find it somewhere on DVD. But sadly, you cannot find it here at the moment because we're closed until at least the 19th of April. This accounts as well for our DVD-rental shop "Filmkunst". So, in case you still have...