Im Rahmen der MESTRE MATEO GALICIAN FILM SERIES zeigen wir euch am Samstag, den 17.9.2022 um 19:45 CUÑADOS (Spanisch/Galicisch mit Englischen Untertiteln) mit Q+A im Anschluss.
CICLO MESTRE MATEO ist eine galizische Filmreihe, organisiert von der Galician Audiocisual Academy in Zusammenarbeit mit dem General Secretariat of Emigration of the Autonomous Government of Galicia und dem Berliner Kulturverein De Berlin Son. Jeden Monat zeigen wir einen der acht Filme, die allesamt Finalisten des Mestre Mateo Awards sind. Der Eintritt zu den Filmen der Reihe ist kostenlos.

CUÑADOS (Brothers-in-law)
(Galician with English subtitles)
Eduardo and Sabonis, brothers-in-law married to sisters Cuca and Peque Ribeiro, have made a real mess of one of their business ventures and are in need of money. Lots of money. Sabonis, in one of his uncontrollable fits of rage, comes up with a plan to fix all their problems in one go: to kidnap Modesto, who is brother-in-law to Alicia Zamora, the businesswoman who screwed them over. There’s just one problem: Alicia has no intention of paying a penny to get her brother-in-law back. In the end, it will be Modesto himself who comes up with a new plan to help Eduardo and Sabonis get the money they need to save the family wine business. What they don’t know is that Mati, police officer and Ribeiro’s middle sister, is on to their little plan. Eduardo, Sabonis and Modesto have everything to lose, but as Sabonis would say, what could go wrong?

Toño López (Ourense, 1971) studied film and television both in Coruña and in his hometown. Focused on fiction, he directed series such as Mareas vivas, Nada es para siempre, Matalobos, Luci, 4º sen ascensor or Auga seca. The most international and music-loving audience may know him from series such as The Avatars or Idol X Warrior: Miracle Tunes!
Toño will be with us at the screening of Brothers-in-law to discuss what this new experience meant to him in his film career and to confirm (or not!) what we all think: that the humour and joy of his last film was also present behind the scenes.
Dauer: 100 Minuten
FSK Not recommended for children under 7
Genre Komödie
Titel Brothers-in-law
Originaltitel Cuñados
Erscheinungsdatum April 9, 2021
Regie Toño López
This movie is part of the CICLO MESTRE MATEO, a Galician series that consists of eight movies that will be screened, once a month, in 20 cities in Galicia and 8 cities around Europe and America. All these movies are finalists of the Mestre Mateo Awards.
The Ciclo Mestre Mateo is organised by the Galician Audiovisual Academy in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Emigration of the Autonomous Government of Galicia, and the Berlin-based cultural association De Berlin Son.
Darsteller Xosé Antonio Touriñán, Miguel de Lira, Federico Pérez Rey, Eva Fernández, María Vázquez, Iolanda Muíños, Mela Casal, Manuel Cortés